recount text

Recount Text: Definisi, Tujuan, Struktur, dan Contoh

Hai Sobat Zenius, kembali lagi bersama gue, Grace! Di artikel ini kita bersama-sama akan membahas materi recount text kelas 10, lengkap dengan definisi, tujuan, struktur, dan contohnya.

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Nah, ketika elo menulis jurnal atau diari, sebenarnya elo sedang menulis recount text lho. Tanpa berlama-lama lagi yuk kita kupas tuntas bersama-sama.

Definisi Recount Text

Recount text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan kembali sesuatu yang telah terjadi di masa lampau. Contohnya, kejadian ketika elo bertemu dengan Jennie Blackpink, ketika elo liburan ke Raja Ampat bersama keluarga, dan lain sebagainya.

Tujuan recount text:

  • Menginformasikan
  • Memotivasi
  • Menghibur

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Struktur Recount Text

  • Orientation

Bagian ini adalah pengenalan yang menginformasi pembaca tentang tokoh, tempat, dan kapan terjadinya di masa lampau.

  • Events

Bagian ini berisikan serangkaian peristiwa atau kegiatan yang terjadi. Biasanya diceritakan secara berurutan, misalnya. At first, … Then, ….

  • Reorientation

Bagian ini merupakan akhir dari cerita dan sifatnya opsional, sebab bisa berupa rangkuman dari semua yang telah diceritakan, komentar atau kesan pribadi, atau mungkin berupa himbauan atau misalnya karena recount text tersebut menceritakan tentang pengalaman tidak menyenangkan seperti kecopetan.

Language Features Recount Text

  • Past tense

Karena kita menceritakan kejadian di masa lampau, kita menggunakan tata bahasa past tense di dalam recount text.

  • Time connective

Time connective adalah kata-kata yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung waktu untuk mengurutkan kejadian misalnya after, before, at first, then, after that, dll.

  • Adverbs

Adverbs adalah kata keterangan untuk menunjukkan waktu, tempat, atau cara misalnya yesterday, three months ago, last year, at home, slowly, carefully, dan lain-lain.

Sobat Zenius, agar memahami seluruh elemen dan contoh recount text, gue sarankan elo nonton video tentang recount text untuk Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA. Namun, pastikan elo punya akun Zenius supaya bisa akses video-videonya ya.

Recount Text Zenius
Recount Text Zenius
Dok: Recount Text Zenius

Contoh Recount Text

My Last Holiday

Last month, I went to Pari island with my big family. That was my second time to travel there. I did not remember my first time because I was still three years old.

Our boat departed from Muara Angke port to the island at 7.00 a.m. We arrived at Pari island in approximately two hours. After that, we went to our guest house that we booked two months ago. When we got there, almost all family members were busy unpacking. I just sat in front of the guest house and did nothing. Then I realized that it was still 10 a.m. So, I went out to rent a bicycle. My brother did not want to join me because he went to sleep. He said that it was too shiny to do snorkeling.

We finally had lunch at 1 p.m. I was so hungry after cycling for an hour, and did not have any snacks. After lunch, my brother said that he wanted to go snorkeling. But my parents said it was too hot. Well, it was 2 p.m. So, they were right. It was still hot outside.

But my brother insisted on doing it. He then asked me and our cousin Irwan to join him to do the thing he really wanted to do by the time we arrived there. It was snorkeling. Irwan agreed and pushed me to join.

I did not know why I agreed to join them. When we went snorkeling, the fisherman who became our guide brought us to the beach far enough from our guest house. We went snorkeling there. The water was very clear. We could see groups of tiny fishes and beautiful coral under the sea. After snorkeling cheerfully for approximately three hours, we returned to our guest house.

When we were home, I realized that my back was so itchy. At first, I did understand why. After my mother found out, she started to nag at me. It was sunburnt. I did not enjoy the rest of the other days staying there.

In summary, my second trip to Pari island was not really better than my first. I would like to visit this place again together with my family in another chance. But, I would not do snorkeling at 2 a.m. for three hours anymore.

Sumber: prolog materi recount text 

“Sobat Zenius, kalau elo mau, coba deh buat recount text berdasarkan pengalaman elo di kolom komentar. Penasaran nih.”


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Originally Published: July 24, 2021 
Updated By: Arum Kusuma Dewi

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