Ilustrasi Belajar UM UGM Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Soal UM UGM Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasan

Hai Pejuang UGM! Apa kabar? Nggak terasa, ya, pendaftaran Ujian Masuk UGM sudah dibuka lagi. Biar nggak ketinggalan informasi, pastikan elo catat tanggal pentingnya, ya. Baca juga panduan UM UGM mulai dari informasi umum, cara daftar, strategi lolos, hingga fitur Zenius yang dapat membantu elo di sini, ya.

Selain itu, persiapan strategi belajar juga nggak kalah penting, lho. Bagaimana, sih, cara memaksimalkan waktu belajar yang elo punya untuk menghadapi UM UGM? Elo bisa mulai dengan mempelajari materi dan dilanjutkan dengan mempertajam pemahaman materi melalui latihan soal. 

Ilustrasi Persiapan Menghadapi UM UGM
Ilustrasi Persiapan Menghadapi UM UGM (Sumber:

Nah, daripada makin pusing langsung aja ke inti artikelnya, yuk. Sesuai judulnya, di artikel kali ini, gue akan mengajak elo kenalan dengan contoh soal UM UGM Bahasa Inggris. Tanpa basa-basi lagi, yuk, meluncur….

Topik: Regular Verb dan Irregular Verb

Regular Irregular Verbs
Regular Irregular Verbs (Sumber: JeopardyLabs)

Hayo, masih inget dengan topik ini? Regular verb merupakan bentuk kata kerja beraturan yang memiliki aturan pasti di mana bentuk kata kerja kedua (past) dan kata kerja ketiga (past participle) sama. 

Sebaliknya, irregular verb, tuh, ibarat doi. Susah ditebak! Berbeda dengan regular verb, pada irregular verb nggak ada aturan baku dan aturan normalnya. 

Lebih jelasnya, elo bisa pelajari kembali materinya di sini, ya. Sekarang, simak contoh soal topik ini pada UM UGM, yuk.

Baca Juga: Contoh Regular Verb dan Irregular Verb.

Contoh Soal 1

The idea that red means stop and green means go has impacted our lives in more ways than just traffic signals. We (1) ……. from a young age that the color red means danger and green means it is okay to move forward. But why were those particular colors chosen for traffic lights in the first place? For something we have to look at every day, why couldn’t they have been prettier colors like magenta and turquoise?

Fill in blank (1) with the correct answer!

A. are taught

B. were taught

C. were being taught

D. had been taught

E. have been taught

Jawaban dan Pembahasan:

Untuk mengisi kalimat rumpang di atas, setidaknya kalimat tersebut harus memenuhi:

  • Kalimat berbentuk pasif
  • Bentuk lampau

Dari kedua syarat di atas, kalimat pada opsi A nggak memenuhi, nih. Mengapa? Karena bentuknya present tense.

Setelah itu, coba kita lihat. Bagian rumpang terdapat sebelum frasa from a young age, di mana frasa tersebut menunjukan pola kalimat perfect tense. Nah, karena proses pengajaran pada teks di atas masih berhubungan dengan waktu sekarang, maka tenses yang digunakan adalah present perfect tense. 

Sehingga, jawaban yang tepat untuk mengisi bagian rumpang pada teks di atas adalah E. have been taught.

Contoh Soal 2

Vinegar is the product of a two-stage fermentation. In the first stage, yeasts (2) …. into ethanol anaerobically, while in the second ethanol is oxidized to acetic (ethanoic) acid aerobically by bacteria of the genera Acetobacter and Gluconobacter. This second process is a common mechanism of spoilage in alcoholic beverages and the discovery of vinegar was doubtless due to the observation that this product of spoilage could be put to some good use as a flavoring and preservative. The name vinegar is in fact derived from the French vin aigre for ‘sour wine’ and even today the most popular types of vinegar in a region usually reflect the local alcoholic beverage; for example malt vinegar in the UK, wine vinegar in France, and rice vinegar in Japan.

Fill in blank (2) with the correct answer!

A. converting sugars

B. convert sugars

C. converts sugars

D. convert sugars

E. is converting sugars

Jawaban dan Pembahasan:

Pada soal di atas, perbedaan terletak pada tenses yang digunakan. Pada opsi jawaban di atas, opsi A dan E menggunakan present continuous, sedangkan B dan C menggunakan simple present. Lalu, gimana dengan opsi D? Nah, kalau elo cermati opsi D sama dengan opsi B. Jadi, kita hiraukan dahulu, ya. 

Kalau kita lihat, teks di atas menggambarkan suatu proses yang merupakan general truth atau fakta umum. Maka, tenses yang digunakan adalah present simple. Dan, subjek pada kalimat rumpang di atas adalah “yeasts” di mana merupakan bentuk plural. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah B. convert sugars.

Kedua contoh soal di atas pernah muncul pada UM UGM di tahun 2017 dan 2018, lho, Sobat Zenius.

Topik: Reading Comprehension 

Melansir dari, reading comprehension merupakan proses yang dilakukan untuk membangun dan pemisahan makna secara simultan melalui interaksi dan keterlibatan dengan media. Gimana, tuh, maksudnya?

Simpelnya, elo akan diuji kemampuan pemahaman dari teks yang disajikan. Nggak hanya di UM UGM, topik ini juga muncul di UTBK, lho. Untuk itu, elo perlu banyak latihan untuk menghadapi soal-soal reading comprehension, nih. Berikut contoh soal UM UGM bahasa Inggris di tahun 2018 – 2019 yang pernah muncul.

Baca Juga: Tips Mengerjakan Soal Reading pada UTBK Bahasa Inggris. 

Gunakan teks di bawah ini untuk menjawab contoh soal  1 – 4.

Study the passage and choose the best answer to the questions that follow! 

Using a simple membrane extract from spin-ach leaves, researchers from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed bio-photo-electro-chemical (BPEC) cell that produces elec-tricity and hydrogen from water using sunlight. The raw material of the device is water and its products are electric current, hydrogen, and oxy-gen. 

The unique combination of a human-made BPEC cell and plant membranes, which absorb sunlight and convert it into a flow of electrons highly efficiently, paves the way for the develop-ment of new technologies for the creation of clean fuels from renewable sources: water and solar en-ergy. 

The BPEC cell developed by the researchers is based on the naturally occurring process of photosynthesis in plants, in which light drives electrons that produce storable chemical energetic molecules that are the fuels of all cells in the ani- mal and plant worlds.

In order to utilize photosynthesis for produc- ing electric current, the researchers added an iron -based-compound to the solution. It mediates the transfer of electrons from the biological membranes to the electrical circuit, enabling the creation of an electric current in the cell.

The electrical current can also be channeled to form hydrogen gas through the addition of electric power from a small photovoltaic cell that ab- sorbs the excess light. This makes possible the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy that is stored as hydrogen gas formed inside the BPEC cell. This energy can be converted when necessary into heat and electricity by burning the hydrogen, in the same way hydrocarbon fuels are used.

However, unlike the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, which emit greẹnhouse gases (carbon dioxide), the product of hydrogen combustion is clean water. Therefore, this is a closed cycle that begins with water and ends with water, allowing the conversion and Storage of solar energy in hydrogen gas, which could be a clean and sustainable substitute for hydrocarbon fuel.

“The study is unique in that it combines leading experts from three different faculties, namely three disciplines: biology, chemistry and materials engineering,” sald Prof. Rothschild. “The combination of natural (leaves) and artificial (photovoltaic cell and electronic components), and the need to make these components communicate with each other, are complex engineering challenges that required us to join forces”.


Contoh Soal 1

What does the word “it” in paragraph 4 refer to?

A. the BPEC cell

B. photosynthesis

C. the solution

D. an iron-based compound

E. electric current

Jawaban dan pembahasan:

Kalau elo menjumpai soal yang seperti ini, elo wajib banget cek kalimat sebelumnya. Kata “it” pada paragraf 4 memiliki arti benda itu, yang mana dijelaskan pada paragraf sebelumnya bahwa benda itu merujuk pada “An iron-based compound”. 

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah D. an iron-based compo

Contoh Soal 2

Why does the author mention the “combustion of hydrocarbon fuels” in paragraph 6?

A. to explain the process of hydrogen combustion

B. to explain the process of hydrocarbon combustion

C. to emphasize the nonpolluting product of hydrogen combustion

D. to show similarities between hydrogen and hydrocarbon combustion

E. to explain the advantage of hydrocarbon

Jawaban dan pembahasan:

Di paragraf 6, penulis menjelaskan mengenai mekanisme pembakaran hidrogen pada sel BPEC. Penulis juga memaparkan bahwa pembakaran hidrogen berbeda dengan pembakaran hidrokarbon yang mengeluarkan karbondioksida dan memberikan polusi. Pembakaran hidrogen justru menghasilkan air bersih, makanya pembakaran ini merupakan pengganti hidrokarbon yang bersih dan sustainable.

Sehingga, pada paragraf 6, penulis berusaha menekankan bahwa pembakaran hidrogen nggak menyebabkan polusi. Jadi, jawaban yang sesuai untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah C. to emphasize the non-polluting product of hydrogen combustion.

Contoh Soal 3

Where in the text does the author mention “the product of hydrogen combustion”?

A. paragraph 3

B. paragraph 4

C. paragraph 5

D. paragraph 6

E. paragraph 7

Jawaban dan pembahasan:

Penegasan Kalimat yang Dimaksud Soal
Penegasan Kalimat yang Dimaksud Soal (Sumber: Arsip Zenius)

Penulis menjelaskan secara tersurat terkait produk pembakaran hidrogen pada paragraf 6. Sehingga, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. paragraph 6.

Contoh Soal 4

It has been said that people can be judged by the company they keep. New research from Michigan State University (MSU) shows that what is true for the living is also true for the dead. The study, published in the current issue of Nature Scientific Reports, shows that postmortem microbiome – population of micro-organisms that move in after death – can provide crucial insights into the public health. Regardless of many factors – sex, ethnicity, or even type of death – the microbiome is consistent and distinct, depending on the number of days after death.

_Based on the growing number of partnerships between MSU forensic entomologists and medical examiners, the police and medical communities are beginning to see the value this research can provide. A case in point is the interdisciplinary research happening between MSU and the Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office. The partnership initially began to better understand the bugs and microbes present and what they can tell investigators about the recently deceased. Just as the TV show says, the first 48 hours of an investigation are critical. The organisms found on a body can help estimate the time of death.

According to Eric Benbow, MSU forensic entomologist and microbial ecologist and study co-author, the microbial stopwatch, as it has recently been called, is a telling timepiece that can assist us in determining when someone died. It is comparable to a town with a changing population: a company starts up, and an entirely new population moves in. In death, that microbial population is different after two days, and it completely turns over again a few days later.

MSU’s kits and the collection protocol are now being regularly used in death investigations. One noteworthy case involves a mother who stored her two dead children in a freezer. The microbial data were the first used to understand how the postmortem microbiome changes in unusual circumstances of death and concealment, in this case when bodies were frozen. The ever-growing dataset is painting a picture of the public health-of the living-including many populations that are underserved and understudied by the medical community.

For the first time, Michigan State University is demonstrating that sampling the postmortem microbiome may have public health surveillance importance like monitoring the diversity and frequency of antibiotic-resistant genes from the general population. Additionally, the victim may have died of a drug overdose, but the research also revealed that the microbes can show that the person suffered from a heart disease.

According to the study’s lead author Jennifer Pechal, during the first 48 hours the samples that had been gathered from a predominantly industrial urban population confirmed that microbial biodiversity is a predictor of the host’s health conditions, such as heart disease, when they were living. The researchers have demonstrated that this microbiome could be an effective tool for assessing the health of living populations.

(Adapted from:

What does the word “they” in paragraph two refer to?

A. bugs and microbes

B. medical communities

C. medical examiners

D. etymologists

E. investigators

Jawaban dan pembahasan:

Kata kerja yang melekat pada “they” adalah can tell investigators. Maka, kita perlu mencari tahu siapa yang bisa memberitahu investigator tentang kematian tersebut. Hal ini dapat kita temukan di paragraf yang sama, di mana kata they merujuk pada bugs and microbes. Sehingga, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. bugs and microbes.

Topik: Topic of The Text

Soal bahasa Inggris memang terlihat mudah, tetapi tidak semudah itu ferguso! Soal gocekannya juga banyak, lho. Elo perlu teliti dalam mengerjakan soal ini. So, pastikan elo benar-benar pahami isi teks yang disajikan, ya. Selain itu, perkuat juga pemahaman grammar dan vocabulary sebagai fondasi bahasa Inggris. 

Ilustrasi Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Ilustrasi Belajar Bahasa Inggris (Sumber:

Jangan sampai niat hati mau memahami bacaan, malah pusing duluan karena perbendaharaan kata elo yang kurang oke. 

Baca Juga: Tips Belajar Bahasa Inggris untuk SBMPTN.

Selain itu, untuk membiasakan diri elo bisa perbanyak baca teks dan latihan soal, seperti contoh soal di bawah ini misalnya. Kedua soal ini pernah muncul pada soal UM UGM tahun 2017 dan 2018, lho. 

Baca Juga: Kenapa Menguasai Bahasa Inggris Itu Penting?

Contoh Soal 1 

Study the passage and choose the best answer to the questions that follow! 

Using a simple membrane extract from spin-ach leaves, researchers from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed a bio-photo-electro-chemical (BPEC) cell that produces elec-tricity and hydrogen from water using sunlight. The raw material of the device is water and its products are electric current, hydrogen, and oxy-gen. 

The unique combination of a human-made BPEC cell and plant membranes, which absorb sunlight and convert it into a flow of electrons highly efficiently, paves the way for the develop-ment of new technologies for the creation of clean fuels from renewable sources: water and solar en-ergy. 

The BPEC cell developed by the researchers is based on the naturally occurring process of photosynthesis in plants, in which light drives electrons that produce storable chemical energetic molecules that are the fuels of all cells in the ani- mal and plant worlds.

In order to utilize photosynthesis for produc- ing electric current, the researchers added an iron -based-compound to the solution. It mediates the transfer of electrons from the biological membranes to the electrical circuit, enabling the creation of an electric current in the cell.

The electrical current can also be channeled to form hydrogen gas through the addition of electric power from a small photovoltaic cell that ab- sorbs the excess light. This makes possible the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy that is stored as hydrogen gas formed inside the BPEC cell. This energy can be converted when necessary into heat and electricity by burning the hydrogen, in the same way hydrocarbon fuels are used.

However, unlike the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, which emit greẹnhouse gases (carbon ronment, the product of hydrogen combustion is clean water. Therefore, this is a closed cycle that begins with water and ends with water, allowing the conversion and Storage of solar energy in hydrogen gas, which could be a clean and sustainable substitute for hydrocarbon fuel.

“The study is unique in that it combines leading experts from three different faculties, namely three disciplines: biology, chemistry and materials engineering,” sald Prof. Rothschild. “The combination of natural (leaves) and artificial (photovoltaic cell and electronic components), and the need to make these components communicate with each other, are complex engineering challenges that required us to join forces”.

Sumber: release/2016/09/160922085743.htm 

What is the topic of the text?

A. a promising step into creating a renewable energy source

B. making use of photosynthesis to create clean energy

C. the combination of three disciplines in a research project

D. clean renewable energy found in nature

E. utilizing electric current to create renewable energy sources

Jawaban dan pembahasan:

Teks di atas membahas terkait adanya renewable energy sources menjanjikan yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti Institut Teknologi Technion-Israel. Sampai sini coba kita cek pada opsi jawaban. Opsi A, B, dan E memiliki sesuai, nih, untuk dijadikan topik utama. 

Selanjutnya, kita juga bisa eliminasi opsi B. Mengapa? Karena topik ini nggak hanya membahas terkait fotosintesis, karena setelah fotosintesis masih ada proses-proses selanjutnya. Sehingga terlalu spesifik untuk menjadi topik. Begitu pula opsi E, pada teks arus listrik merupakan wujud yang dihasilkan bukan sebagai sumber energi yang bisa diperbaharui. 

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah A.  a promising step into creating a renewable energy source.

Contoh Soal 2

It has been said that people can be judged by the company they keep. New research from Michigan State University (MSU) shows that what is true for the living is also true for the dead. The study, published in the current issue of Nature Scientific Reports, shows that postmortem microbiome – population of micro-organisms that move in after death – can provide crucial insights into the public health. Regardless of many factors – sex, ethnicity, or even type of death – the microbiome is consistent and distinct, depending on the number of days after death.

Based on the growing number of partnerships between MSU forensic entomologists and medical examiners, the police and medical communities are beginning to see the value this research can provide. A case in point is the interdisciplinary research happening between MSU and the Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office. The partnership initially began to better understand the bugs and microbes present and what they can tell investigators about the recently deceased. Just as the TV show says, the first 48 hours of an investigation are critical. The organisms found on a body can help estimate the time of death.

According to Eric Benbow, MSU forensic entomologist and microbial ecologist and study co-author, the microbial stopwatch, as it has recently been called, is a telling timepiece that can assist us in determining when someone died. It is comparable to a town with a changing population: a company starts up, and an entirely new population moves in. In death, that microbial population is different after two days, and it completely turns over again a few days later.

MSU’s kits and the collection protocol are now being regularly used in death investigations. One noteworthy case involves a mother who stored her two dead children in a freezer. The microbial data were the first used to understand how the postmortem microbiome changes in unusual circumstances of death and concealment, in this case when bodies were frozen. The ever-growing dataset is painting a picture of the public health-of the living-including many populations that are underserved and understudied by the medical community.

For the first time, Michigan State University is demonstrating that sampling the postmortem microbiome may have public health surveillance importance like monitoring the diversity and frequency of antibiotic-resistant genes from the general population. Additionally, the victim may have died of a drug overdose, but the research also revealed that the microbes can show that the person suffered from a heart disease.

According to the study’s lead author Jennifer Pechal, during the first 48 hours the samples that had been gathered from a predominantly industrial urban population confirmed that microbial biodiversity is a predictor of the host’s health conditions, such as heart disease, when they were living. The researchers have demonstrated that this microbiome could be an effective tool for assessing the health of living populations.

(Adapted from:

What is the text mainly about?

A. investigating deaths

B. organism living in dead bodies

C. solving crimes using bugs and microbes

D. estimating the time of death of the deceased

E. invaluable insight gathered from microorganisms of the dead

Jawaban dan pembahasan:

Simpelnya, pada soal di atas elo ditanya apa, sih, yang paling banyak ditanyain pada teks di atas? Di mana topik tersebut pasti dibahas pada tiap-tiap paragraf. Pada teks di atas membahas wawasan terkait fungsi, peran, manfaat yang dikumpulkan dari microorganisms of the dead. Sehingga, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E. invaluable insight gathered from microorganisms of the dead.

Topik: Specific Information

Topik ini biasanya muncul pada beberapa teks, seperti teks deskriptif, naratif, maupun berita. Sesuai namanya, di topik ini elo akan diuji pemahaman elo melalui pertanyaan terkait informasi spesifik. Gimana tuh, maksudnya? Nah, biar elo nggak bingung, berikut adalah contoh soal yang pernah muncul pada UM UGM 2017 dan 2018. 

Contoh Soal 1

Study the passage and choose the best answer to the questions that follow! 

Using a simple membrane extract from spin-ach leaves, researchers from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed bio-photo-electro-chemical (BPEC) cell that produces elec-tricity and hydrogen from water using sunlight. The raw material of the device is water and its products are electric current, hydrogen, and oxy-gen. 

The unique combination of a human-made BPEC cell and plant membranes, which absorb sunlight and convert it into a flow of electrons highly efficiently, paves the way for the develop-ment of new technologies for the creation of clean fuels from renewable sources: water and solar en-ergy. 

The BPEC cell developed by the researchers is based on the naturally occurring process of photosynthesis in plants, in which light drives electrons that produce storable chemical energetic molecules that are the fuels of all cells in the ani- mal and plant worlds.

In order to utilize photosynthesis for produc- ing electric current, the researchers added an iron -based-compound to the solution. It mediates the transfer of electrons from the biological membranes to the electrical circuit, enabling the creation of an electric current in the cell.

The electrical current can also be channeled to form hydrogen gas through the addition of electric power from a small photovoltaic cell that ab- sorbs the excess light. This makes possible the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy that is stored as hydrogen gas formed inside the BPEC cell. This energy can be converted when necessary into heat and electricity by burning the hydrogen, in the same way hydrocarbon fuels are used.

However, unlike the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, which emit greẹnhouse gases (carbon dioxide), the product of hydrogen combustion is clean water. Therefore, this is a closed cycle that begins with water and ends with water, allowing the conversion and Storage of solar energy in hydrogen gas, which could be a clean and sustainable substitute for hydrocarbon fuel.

“The study is unique in that it combines leading experts from three different faculties, namely three disciplines: biology, chemistry and materials engineering,” sald Prof. Rothschild. “The combination of natural (leaves) and artificial (photovoltaic cell and electronic components), and the need to make these components communicate with each other, are complex engineering challenges that required us to join forces”.

Taken from:

Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. the researchers used animal membranes to develop BPEC cell

B. the researchers used cells of animal and plants to develop BPEC cell

C. the BPEC cell was created through electric current

D. the BPEC cell works like the cells of animal and plants

E. the BPEC cell uses sunlight to create fuels

Jawaban dan pembahasan:

Untuk mengidentifikasi pernyataan yang benar sesuai teks, kita cek dari masing-masing opsi yuk!

  • Opsi A: opsi ini kurang tepat karena peneliti nggak menggunakan membran dari binatang melainkan dari daun bayam.
  • Opsi B: opsi ini juga kurang tepat karena pada teks peneliti hanya menggunakan membran tumbuhan, yaitu daun bayam.
  • Opsi C: masih kurang tepat, karena sel BPEC  bukan diproduksi menggunakan arus listrik, tetapi menghasilkan arus listrik.
  • Opsi D: informasi tidak terdapat pada teks di atas.
  • Opsi E: opsi ini sesuai karena pada teks pun dijelaskan bahwa sel BPEC menggunakan sinar matahari untuk membuat bahan bakar. 

Sehingga, jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah E. the BPEC cell uses sunlight to create fuels.

Contoh Soal 2

It has been said that people can be judged by the company they keep. New research from Michigan State University (MSU) shows that what is true for the living is also true for the dead. The study, published in the current issue of Nature Scientific Reports, shows that postmortem microbiome – population of micro-organisms that move in after death – can provide crucial insights into the public health. Regardless of many factors – sex, ethnicity, or even type of death – the microbiome is consistent and distinct, depending on the number of days after death.

_Based on the growing number of partnerships between MSU forensic entomologists and medical examiners, the police and medical communities are beginning to see the value this research can provide. A case in point is the interdisciplinary research happening between MSU and the Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office. The partnership initially began to better understand the bugs and microbes present and what they can tell investigators about the recently deceased. Just as the TV show says, the first 48 hours of an investigation are critical. The organisms found on a body can help estimate the time of death.

According to Eric Benbow, MSU forensic entomologist and microbial ecologist and study co-author, the microbial stopwatch, as it has recently been called, is a telling timepiece that can assist us in determining when someone died. It is comparable to a town with a changing population: a company starts up, and an entirely new population moves in. In death, that microbial population is different after two days, and it completely turns over again a few days later.

MSU’s kits and the collection protocol are now being regularly used in death investigations. One noteworthy case involves a mother who stored her two dead children in a freezer. The microbial data were the first used to understand how the postmortem microbiome changes in unusual circumstances of death and concealment, in this case when bodies were frozen. The ever-growing dataset is painting a picture of the public health-of the living-including many populations that are underserved and understudied by the medical community.

For the first time, Michigan State University is demonstrating that sampling the postmortem microbiome may have public health surveillance importance like monitoring the diversity and frequency of antibiotic-resistant genes from the general population. Additionally, the victim may have died of a drug overdose, but the research also revealed that the microbes can show that the person suffered from a heart disease.

According to the study’s lead author Jennifer Pechal, during the first 48 hours the samples that had been gathered from a predominantly industrial urban population confirmed that microbial biodiversity is a predictor of the host’s health conditions, such as heart disease, when they were living. The researchers have demonstrated that this microbiome could be an effective tool for assessing the health of living populations.

(Adapted from:

The text states all of the following except….

A. postmortem microbiome may enable public health monitoring

B. the disease suffered by the dead can be determined from postmortem microbiome

C. the cause of death can be found from microbes present in a body

D. the microbes found in a body can be examined to predict the health condition when the person was alive

E. the microbes found in a body can help determine the types of antibiotics taken when the person was alive

Jawaban dan pembahasan:

Untuk menjawab soal di atas, coba kita telaah masing-masing opsi, yuk. 

  • Opsi A: informasi pada opsi ini benar dan dijelaskan pada paragraf 6 “The researchers have demonstrated that this microbiome could be an effective tool for assessing the health of living populations”.
  • Opsi B:  informasi pada opsi ini benar dan dijelaskan pada paragraf 5 “ Additionally, the victim may have died of a drug overdose, but the research also revealed that the microbes can show that the person suffered from a heart disease”.
  • Opsi C: informasi pada opsi ini juga benar dan dijelaskan pada paragraf 5 dan kalimat yang sama dengan opsi B.
  • Opsi D: informasi pada opsi ini juga benar dan dijelaskan pula pada paragraf dan kalimat yang sama dengan opsi B dan C.
  • Opsi E: informasi pada opsi ini salah, penjelasan mengenai antibiotik dijelaskan pada paragraf 5 akan tetapi teks di atas tidak menjabarkan secara detail tipe antibiotik yang digunakan. 

Sehingga, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal di atas adalah E. the microbes found in a body can help determine the types of antibiotics taken when the person was alive.

Oke. itu dia rangkuman contoh soal UM UGM bahasa Inggris dan pembahasannya. Semoga bermanfaat, ya. 

Meskipun UM UGM baru buka pendaftaran di tanggal 1 Juni 2022, semangat belajar jangan sampai kendor, ya! Elo bisa memanfaatkan waktu yang ada untuk review video materi maupun latihan soal. Hajar latihan soal sepuas elo bareng Zenius, yuk. Klik banner di bawah, ya!

Latihan Soal UM UGM


Jadwal Seleksi – UM UGM (2022)

Reading Comprehension – (2016)

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